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作家相片Ivy Li

Flower Brooch

I dusted off from my old collection a Flower Plaque, carved out of a piece of Natural Nephrite Jade. Its colour is muted and mellow, its texture smooth and satiny. The breathtaking craftsmanship of a sculptor who fashioned it, unelaborately, into a petalled design is something to behold !  Incidentally, a Pink Tourmaline happened to be on hand, so I did not have a second thought about sending it to the jeweller to turn it into a brooch. 


Upon seeing the final product, I was in awe of the interplay of different shades of colour tone, and the emulation between these two gems: Natural Nephrite Jade and Pink Tourmaline.  


With utmost satisfaction, I have successfully blended in the traditional culture of Natural Nephrite Jade with a modern outfit, culminating in unaffectedness and elegance as a new level of beauty.

The photos are for reference only. You are cordially invited to visit our shop in person.


翻出舊藏的「白玉」花件,色澤柔美,玉質温潤細膩, 欣賞雕刻玉石師傅完美演繹化繁為簡的花瓣造型;剛巧手上有粉色碧壐可作點綴,毫無疑問的交給珠寶工匠協助制作胸針。







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