I have been impressed by the aestheticism of Wabi-sabi (a critical part of Japanese aestheticism, a plain and subdued way of appreciation), and always been keeping tabs on the traditional craftsmanship of Kintsugi, so my trip to Tokyo is all the more meaningful. A chance encounter with the masterwork of Reborn Pottery by Natsuka san actually bowled me over. To appreciate her art and beauty of miraculous recreation -- not just repairing -- breathing new life into the broken pottery, is a climactic moment during my trip.
Amongst the multitude of Natsuka san's collections, I was helplessly bewitched by a pair of ceramic earrings made Arika-yaki style (A style quintessentially Japanese). It is a gut feeling that defies explanation. You can, on a whim, match these earrings with an Italian ring of 18K rose gold. The chemistry would be dream-like, sure to make your dull daily wardrobe look snazzy !
The photos are for reference only. You are cordially invited to our shop for choice selection.
受侘寂「Wabi-sabi」的美學影響,同時也有留意金繼「kintsugi」的傳統工藝,這次的東京之旅,有縁遇見Natsuka san 的 Reborn Pottery 作品, 欣賞她的創作以及延續已經破碎的陶瓷的美。
在Natsuka san的芸芸作品中,特別喜歡這對「有田燒」陶瓷耳環,有時候喜歡就是喜歡,就是無法解釋;再隨意搭配意大利K金戒指,感覺好夢幻,為日常裝扮添上一點點奢華感。